Lunch & Learn with Tom Graves – How architectures fail, and what to do about it

Home - Meetup - Lunch & Learn with Tom Graves – How architectures fail, and what to do about it

Tom ran the first-ever Architecting for Innovation meet-up, where he gave us a rundown of his master class. Forward almost a decade, our very own businessanarchist is back. 

Tom never fails to amuse, entertain and partake his wisdom. 

“So, what is it you say you do here?”

How architectures fail, and what to do about it?!

“So you work in architectures, huh? So why aren’t things getting any better around here?”

How do you answer that? – especially when you know they’re right… Don’t worry. It’s not your fault! – but you can help us all to make our architectures improve their outcomes.

The core problem is that architectures fragment when we fail to apply architecture to itself to connect everything across the enterprise as a whole.

In this session, we exprored three common scope errors that cause fragmentation – blurring architecture and design, starting architecture too late and/or finishing too early, and arbitrary boundaries on content, scope, scale or timescale ail by fragmentation – and the simple tactics we can use to avoid those traps.

Bio: Tom Graves is a well-known writer, blogger and practitioner on enterprise architecture and related themes. These days he describes himself more as a confusionist, a business-anarchist, and maker of tools for change. He’s, uh, been around for a while now, working across dozens of industries in at least a dozen countries.

To view Tom’s presentation press play

To view, Tom’s Slide Deck click on Tom

Tom has shared some of the links discussed during the meet-up.

Intersection / Enterprise Design: 

(has a rolling banner for links to design-framework, conference etc.; the conference has links to YouTube channel) 

Archi toolset 

see the ‘Plug-ins’ section for Excel export for Excel export etc, talk with Phil Beauvoir or JB Sarrodie about the exchange-file format) 

A big thank you to Tom for his time and continual and unwavering contribution to the Enterprise Architecture community.

It was a great presentation as always and a lunch hour or so well spent. We look forward to seeing Tom wherever he pops up next.

Our next Lunch and Learn meet-up is Architecting for Governance at Scale with Jaco Olivier Wednesday 21st July 2021 12:30 pm AEDT

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